
Translation for legal matters

TJURADO provides certified legal translation services in over 200 languages and we have a large team of professional legal translators and subject matter experts experienced in translating legal materials, as well as financial services, regulatory compliance, cyber security, and technology content with the highest level of linguistic quality and technical precision.


are expert in the field of legal translation, including the following specialist legal texts:
  • (Basic) Contracts and agreements
  • Auditors' and expert reports
  • Balance sheets as well as profit and loss accounts
  • Birth and marriage certificates
  • Business agreements, transcripts for meetings and negotiations, issue prospectuses and financial documents
  • Expert reports (e.g. Private, arbitration or Court Reports)
  • Insolvency records and documents
  • Passports and other forms of identification document
  • Patent specifications and applications, documents involving technological development, and patent claims
  • Performance records, certificates, account statements, and documents relating to citizenship or asylum
  • Property certificates and rental agreements
  • Summonses, writs, Court rulings, statements under oath, affidavits and attestations
  • Wills and powers of attorney

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)