

Legal Certified Spanish
Translation Services in London



We are a small family of Spanish translators and my team and I have helped hundreds of companies and individuals, from small startups to Fortune 500 Companies. At TJURADO, we deal with every kind of document from court rulings, commercial contracts, and medical reports to simple documents.

Customer satisfaction, speed, and accuracy are at the heart of every-thing we do at TJURADO, we are an expert language solutions provider, aiming to establish a suitable solution for every customer.
We currently provide an expert translation solution to individuals and companies across the World, Europe, Asia, and the USA


Spanish Translation for legal matters

TJURADO provides certified legal Spanish translation services and we have a large team of professional legal translators and subject matter experts experienced in translating legal materials, as well as financial services, regulatory compliance, cyber security, and technology content with the highest level of linguistic quality and technical precision


We are experts in the field of legal translation, including the following specialist legal texts:
  • (Basic) Contracts and agreements
  • Auditors' and expert reports
  • Balance sheets as well as profit and loss accounts
  • Birth and marriage certificates
  • Business agreements, transcripts for meetings and negotiations, issue prospectuses and financial documents
  • Expert reports (e.g. Private, arbitration or Court Reports)
  • Insolvency records and documents
  • Passports and other forms of identification document
  • Patent specifications and applications, documents involving technological development, and patent claims
  • Performance records, certificates, account statements, and documents relating to citizenship or asylum
  • Property certificates and rental agreements
  • Summonses, writs, Court rulings, statements under oath, affidavits and attestations
  • Wills and powers of attorney

Business translation expertise

TJURADO provides the best Spanish translation services for your business. Our business language professionals are experienced in translating corporate materials in a way that improves your potential and increases your revenue and we can help you secure the momentum you have established in your home market and enable you bright on the international stage.

Annual Reports

✓ Business Audio Files

✓ Business Documents

✓ Business Plans

✓ Commercial Translation Services

✓ Customs Documentation

✓ Regulatory Documents

✓ Web Content



Diplomas and Educational Certificate Translation

TJURADO has many years of experience in Spanish translations of education certificates from a range of fields, from the translation of diplomas and high school certificates to the translation of transcripts and university degree certificates, TJURADO is the best choice for you.
We translate educational certificates from Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, nd its variations to English (Approved the British universities, UK ENIC for the recognition of qualification or any other purposes in the UK.
We are also a Spanish translation company approved by the Spanish author-ities and countries in South America to translate your educational docu-ments.

Admissions documents


Course materials

Diploma translation

E-learning translation

Masters thesis translation

New student orientation materials

Recommendation letters

Research papers

Student and parent consent forms

Syllabus and course descriptions

Training presentations

Transcript translation



We are a Global content language solutions and expert financial translation services for banking and insurance

TJURADO Translation Services carries credentials that certify their excellence and are available around the clock.

TJURADO can ensure that you are able to work with clients and investors in any language around the world. We offer translation services specialized for all aspects of finance, high quality, confidentiality, and rapid turnaround.

​Annual Reports

✓ Audits

✓ Balance sheets

✓ Bank statements

✓ Disclosure agreements

✓ Shareholder briefs

✓ Financial affidavits

✓ Financial contracts

Financial statements

✓ Income statements

✓ Insurance documents

✓ Tax reports

✓ Investor newsletters

✓ Investor reports




Medical technology and Pharmaceuticals Professional Translator

TJURADO is a registered company in the United Kingdom, we offer profes-sional, reliable multi-lingual translation and transcription services, specializ-ing in technical and medical translations since 2012, delivering quality translation solutions to the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Our teams of skilled and experienced translators regularly provide translations of the following medical documents:

Clinical Trial

Consent Forms

Drug Labeling and Validation

✓ Journal Articles 

Medical Devices

Medical Equipment and Materials

Medical Release Forms

Patient Records

Patient Treatment & Information

Pharmaceutical Documentation


✓ Public Health & Outreach 

✓ Regulations & Standards

✓ Reports     

Research Studies & Surveys




Technology Translator specialist
for every industrial field

TJURADO possesses a perfect command of industry-specific technical terms in the relevant specific language pairing, our translation Services may help your business grow in the global business environment with a technical translation service that matches the highest standards in the industry.

TJURADO offers technical translators from a wide range of backgrounds and niche fields, whether it’s a complex manufactory manual for an elec-tronic device or scientific medical documentation, we are always ready to translate your technical documents to the highest quality.

Data sheets

eLearning and technical training materials

Help documentation

Installation instruction

Installation manuals

Instruction booklets

Online support systems

Operating manuals


Safety information

Software applications

Technical and commercial bids

Technical marketing material

Technical reports

Technical training material

Tender documents

User manuals



TJURADO Certified translations in the UK and Abroad

TJURADO is a licensed and accredited translation company in the United Kingdom and our translations are accepted by any UK authority (Home Office, UK Court of Laws, British Universities, Naric, Hospitals, GPs, Registration Office) and many organizations abroad.

Some examples of documents that are frequently translated and certified:

✓ Academic transcripts

Adoption papers


Bank statements

Birth certificates


✓ Certificates of good conduct


✓​ Death certificates

✓​ Degree certificates

✓​ Diplomas

✓​ Divorce decrees

✓​ Driver’s licenses

✓​ Employment records

ID Documents

Marriage certificates

Medical certificates

Medical reports

Official documents

Police clearance CRBs




Wills & testaments


TJURADO for faster and more urgent translations – our clients never miss a deadline!

TJURADO provides fast and accurate translation services delivered the same day or in 24 hours, no matter how big or small the work, get your documents translated urgently within the same day, overnight, on bank holidays, and over the weekend with excellent quotes!
We provide Fast Translation Services in London and across the UK and Worldwide.
We deliver by PDF or any required material and if you need the hard copy to your address or office, we work with fast delivery:

✓ Royal mail;
✓ DHL;
✓ Private taxes and motorbikes.

Our Fast Translation Service is available in all languages.

We deliver your translation with impeccable time management whilst al-so maintaining and ensuring exceptional levels of quality.

✓ Birth certificates
✓ Contracts / business documents
✓ Court documents
✓ Death certificates
✓ Marriage certificates
✓ Official documents
✓ School / University diplomas
✓ Visa documents

Languages We Translate

We translate over 20 million words a year into more than 200 languages. We cover all major languages and, with reasonable notice, we can provide other languages on request.
TJURADO is the UK’s premium translation service provider and a Highly-accredited global certified translation service 24/7 based in London.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)